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Test-Drive ClientView for 4 months for low as $29/mo & unlock limited time bonuses

Test-Drive ClientView for 4 months for low as
$29/mo & unlock limited time bonuses


Agency owners!

Agency Owners!

Track Client
Results Easily

See all your clients and data that
matters in one place, in real-time.
Get alerts on rising lead costs.

Track Client
Results Easily

Finally see all your clients and key success metrics
in real-time. Get alerts on rising lead costs.

Get early access now
Unlock early access

Start as low as $29.99/mo.
Agency growth bundle included.

By Ex-Gym Launch
Creative Manager

What will you do with 86% more time back?

What will you do with
86% more time back?

Build landing pages

Test new offers

Design ad creatives

Improve product & service

Track 86% Faster
with ClientView

Track 86% Faster
with ClientView

Without ClientView

Without ClientView

No auto tracking or alerts
Bouncing between accounts
Track key numbers in spreadsheets
Frequent checks, stress, and burnout

With ClientView

With ClientView

Real-time client tracking
Instant problem alerts
More data, less work
More time for high priority tasks
Get early access now
Unlock early access

Start as low as $29.99/mo.

Leading Agencies
Trust ClientView

Leading Agencies
Trust ClientView

"I find it very helpful to see CPL data for all
my accounts. I no longer repeatedly search for CPL
data in Facebook"

"I find it very helpful to see CPL data for all my accounts.
I no longer repeatedly search for CPL data in Facebook"

Gabriella Soto
Ex-Creative Manager, Gym Launch

"I find it very helpful to see CPL data for all my accounts. I no longer repeatedly search for CPL
data in Facebook"

"I find it very helpful to see CPL data for all my accounts. I no longer repeatedly search for CPL data in Facebook"

Gabriella Soto
Media Buyer, Gym Launch

"Guys - absolutely love this software!! It’s everything I need and perfect, I know you’re in Beta but you’re already helping so much of us better track our data and advertisements""

"I find it very helpful to see CPL data for all my accounts.
I no longer repeatedly search for CPL data in Facebook"

Thomas Williams
CEO and Founder, Auto Growth

"I find it very helpful to see CPL data for all my accounts.
I no longer repeatedly search for CPL data in Facebook"

"Guys - absolutely love this software!! It’s everything I need and perfect, I know you’re in Beta but you’re already helping so much of us better track our data and advertisements"

Thomas Williams
Founder and CEO, Auto Growth
Get early access now
Unlock early access

Start as low as $29.99/mo.

Unify all your
clients and their
data in real-time

Connect each of your clients ad
accounts and GoHighLevel CRM.

Unify all your clients and
their data in real-time

Connect each of your clients ad accounts and GoHighLevel CRM.


"Saves agency a lot of time.
Keeps client integrated longer"
"ClientView has helped our
clients stay better integrated"
Jared Tims
Manager, Gym Launch

How it works

Tracking beyond

Finally see all your clients and key success metrics
in real-time. Get alerts on rising lead costs.

Get early access now
Start by bringing all your clients
together. See real-time leads and
sales as they happen. Connect your
clients Ads and CRMs in one place.
Get notified when lead costs rise.
Know instantly if there’s a problem
with leads going to a clients CRM.
Keep track of client spending to
avoid going over budget.
Understand how your clients are
doing. Gain insights on getting new
clients. Keep long-term reports for
better planning.
Get early access now
Unlock early access

Start as low as $29.99/mo..

A client platform
designed for

A client platform
designed for agencies

Finally see all your clients and key success metrics
in real-time. Get alerts on rising lead costs.

Get early access now

Visual Client Tracking

See all your clients leads and sales at a glance, updated automatically.

Visual Client Tracking

See all your clients leads and sales
at a glance, updated automatically.




GoHighLevel CRM


Goal Tracking

Import guarantees and set goals for leads or other metrics. ClientView helps you achieve them.

Goal Tracking

Import guarantees and set goals for
leads or other metrics. ClientView helps
you achieve them.

Client boards

Create team pods and
rosters or create special
boards for certain clients.

Client boards

Create team pods and rosters or create special boards for certain clients.

Goal tracking

Create goals and guarantees,
Connect goals to clients and
keep clients on track.

Goal tracking

Create goals and guarantees, Connect goals to clients and keep clients on track.

Onboarding Management

Manage your onboarding
schedule and process inside

Onboarding Management

Manage your onboarding schedule and process inside ClientView.

Google calendar


Currently works with Facebook, Instagram, ActiveCampaign, Slack, and GoHighLevel. More integrations coming soon.

Client integrations

Currently works with Facebook, Instagram, ActiveCampaign, Slack, and GoHighLevel. More integrations coming soon.

Agency value
of ClientView

Agency value
of ClientView

UX research shows ClientView helps teams focus
on what matters and increase efficiency

UX research shows ClientView
helps teams focus on what
matters and increase efficiency¹

Get early access now



Client management
productivity gain

Client management
productivity gain



More time spent on high
priority work

More time spent on high
priority work



In speed to optimization by leveraging alerts.

increase in speed to optimization
(Better results, lower churn)

Join the beta
today and get

ClientView Beta

Finally see all your clients and key success metrics
in real-time. Get alerts on rising lead costs.

Get early access now

Early Access

Early Access

Early access to the
ClientView platform



Exclusive agency owner
discord community

Agency secrets

Agency secrets

Proven Resources to scale
your agency by Creative
manager at Gym Launch

Group calls
& 24/7 Support

Group calls
& 24/7 Support

Bi-weekly calls and unlimited
hands on support
Get early access now
Unlock early access

Start as low as $29.99/mo.

Get early
access today

Get started with

Finally see all your clients and key
success metrics in real-time. Get
alerts on rising lead costs.

Meet the founders

Tye Howatt
CEO, Co-Founder
Yazdun Fadali
CTO, Co-Founder
Tyrell Downer
Engineer, Co-Founder

Early Access



Serious agency owners
looking to scale.
Secure Payments by
Secure Payments by
ClientView - Early Access
Exclusive community
Bi-Weekly group calls
24/7 support
Platinum network chat
Agency B2B & B2C resources
Priority feature requests
Founders private group chat
Q&A Coaching w/ Ex-Creative Manager at Gym launch

Early Access



Agency owners who want to simply automate tracking.
Secure Payments by
Secure Payments by
ClientView - Early Access
Exclusive community
Unlimited feature requests
Bi-Weekly group calls
24/7 support

Data that
drives results

Data that drives results

Get valuable metrics for all your clients at scale, with zero effort.
Get valuable metrics for all your
clients at scale, with zero effort.


Join our exclusive beta! Your feedback will shape ClientView. Engage actively for early access to new features and rapid improvements.

Note: Active participants stay in the program. Don’t miss this chance to influence ClientView’s evolution.
The product and group is in early stages and will rapidly improve over time.


Join our exclusive beta! Your feedback will shape ClientView. Engage actively for early access to new features and rapid improvements.

Note: Active participants stay in the program.

Don’t miss this chance to influence ClientView’s evolution.

Frequently asked questions

We're here to help with any questions you have about plans, pricing, and supported features.

Asked Questions

What is ClientView?
What platforms do you support?
Does it work with GoHighLevel?
How much does it cost?
What metrics can I track?
Do I need a lot of clients?
How many clients can I track at one time?
What are categories?
Can I assign product offerings to clients?
Can I invite other users?